The EAN is/was involved in a wide range of European projects aimed at improving and developing the quality of care and life in homes for the elderly.
PIC: 905312738, Organisation ID: E10018587
The Care4Elders project, part of the EU Healthier Together Initiative, aims to improve dementia care by upskilling the elderly care workforce, promoting early detection, and addressing health inequalities. It also focuses on raising awareness of dementia as a public health priority and integrating digital tools to slow its progression.

Care4Skills is a project designed to address the training needs within the long-term care (LTC) workforce in order to meet current and future challenges. The project is built upon the foundation of the Skills Partnership for Long-Term Care and recognises the significant impact of digital transformation and the increasing demand for person-centered care within the sector.

The WELL CARE project focuses on improving the resilience and mental wellbeing of informal carers and long-term care (LTC) workers by strengthening care partnerships. By care partnership we mean the coordination, integration, and mutual recognition of care and caring activities performed by LTC workers and informal carers, in a vision of integrated LTC.

Eldicare 2.0
Re-defining skills in a post-COVID European Silver Economy

The Social sErviceS helpdesK on EU Funds (SESK) is a 24-month project led by a consortium of 16 organisations with members from across Europe. It aims to create the building blocks for a Social Services Helpdesk that will provide support for social services in accessing and using EU funds and help Managing Authorities use EU funds to finance quality interventions in the field of social services. ESN is responsible for providing a quality framework to ensure delivery of high quality outputs and for engaging public and Managing Authorities, as they are key in designing social services and managing EU funds.

The PROCARE Project is aimed at the training of Managers of Long-term Care Units, so they will be able to act as Mentors and support their Caregiving Staff in their efforts to prevent and manage Occupational Burnout.
The UNIC project aims to develop, test and validate a set of innovative tools to help key stakeholders to implement Personal Budgets funding model.

Improve the digital skills of elderly people trhough the educational program and thus eliminate their social exclusion and support their active aging.
Sharing best practices in LTC - 2 transnational meetings & 2 training events

The aim of the project is to create a professional educational program in full-time and e-learning form.

Modification of the educational module E.D.E. - certificate for long-term care providers
The goal of the project is to increase the quality and reputation of educational activities and the international dimension of the professional education of management staff in social services on the European level to support quality care for seniors with the EU.
The project seeks to raise awareness on risks and protection opportunities, setup training schemes and the initiate training sessions for healthcare staff dealing with data. Through several training approaches, the project will boost the level of training in cybersecurity in Europe, improve the knowledge of staff and in turn contribute to decreased vulnerabilities against cyberthreats and increased patient trust and safety.

CEN/TC 449
Quality of care for elderly people in ordinary or residential care facilities. E.D.E. became an official member of the CENT/TC 449 project. The goal of this project is to create all European standards for home and residential care.

Prevention of Falls Network for Dissemination, ProFouND, is a Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme of the European Commission, funded thematic networking project that works with the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing to bring about the dissemination and implementation of best practice in falls prevention across Europe.

The SAVE AGE project (2010 – 2013) is the first European initiative to develop and implement measures for limiting energy consumption in residential care homes. In the course of the project energy consumption was analysed in 100 homes for the elderly in 10 countries. On the basis of the results, [...]

The objective of INTERLINKS (2008 – 2011) was to develop a valid system for analysing and developing long term care for the elderly. The E.D.E. was one of 20 EU organisations on the project's European advisory board, providing feedback and suggestions for improvement. [...]

The E.D.E. participates in WeDO, Wellbeing and Dignity of Older people (2010 – 2012), a project aimed at developing an enduring and growing European partnership of organisations committed promoting the wellbeing and dignity of elderly people and the quality long-term care. [...]

DAPHNE Eustacea project
The main objective of the DAPHNE Eustacea project (2008 – 2010) was to develop a European strategy for combating elder abuse. Important results of the project [...]

In the context of the Leonardo da Vinci project "E-Qalin" (2004 – 2008), a practical and user-friendly quality management model was developed in special sector-specific versions for long term residential care homes for the elderly, homes and services for the impaired as well as day-patient/mobile services. E-Qalin® [...]