EAN documents & publications & materials


Booklet of the EAN (04/2025)     

EAN booklet 

EAN position paper - Tackling the workforce problems; new ways will open new doors.   (09/2024)

ENGLISH version     CZECH version

Accelerating the Digital Transition - a stepping stone for sustainable elderly care in Europe   (05/2024)

ENGLISH version

EAN position paper - Boosting the digital transition of elderly care in Europe   (05/2024)

ENGLISH version

Taboos and Prejudices in Long-term Care

ENGLISH version

Promoting well-nutrition in elderly care

ENGLISH version     FRENCH version     CZECH version     SLOVENIAN version     CROATIAN version     GERMAN version     SPANISH version

Long Term Care 2030 vision 

ENGLISH version     FRENCH version     GERMAN version

GAN CALL to Governments 2023

CALL to the Governments

EP 2024 Memorandum

EAN EP 2024 Memorandum

COLLECTION OF PRESENTATIONS from EAN Workfoce summit (April 5th, 2022 in Malmö) 

Collection of presentations

12 key statements - Covid-19 reflections

12 key statements - Covid 19 reflections 

Lessons learnt - How to avoid a second Covid-19 disaster in social services 

Lessons learnt

The devastating blow in residential care for elderly in Europe - J. Horecký

The devastating blow in residential care for elderly in Europe

The Value of Human life - J. Horecký

The value of Human life

Position paper: COVID-19 and Social Services: what role for the EU?

COVID-19 and Social Services: what role for the EU?

EAN activity report 2020

EAN activity report 2020

EUIPO registration

EUIPO registration

EAN EP2019 Memorandum

EP2019 Memorandum

Alzheimer Europe Memorandum of Understaning

AE Memorandum of Understanding                                


Statutes of the EAN  (after GA meeting, Matera, Oct 23, 2019)

The Association was founded in Luxembourg on April 6, 1989 and bears the name "European Association for Directors and Providers of Long-Term Care Services for the Elderly a.s.b.l.".

Due to the merger of E.D.E. and EAHSA, the title of the new entity shall be the European Ageing Network a.s.b.l. (EAN) referred to as "EAN". 

Statutes of the EAN


Charter and code of professional conduct

Today‘s demographic changes pose massive socio-economic challenges for elderly care services in many European countries. New supranational eff orts and strategies are necessary for elderly and disabled care in the future, to improve the quality of life of the elderly and disabled. To enable the national associations represented by the E.D.E. to actively and proactively infl uence developments, the E.D.E. conveys among other things the following values and standards of conduct for directors:

European Charter of the rights and freedoms of older persons accommodated in homes (Maastricht, 1993)


Code of Professional Conduct (Ljubljana, 2005)



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